
The malicious insider can be an employees, user and/or third party business partner. The insiders can have legitimate access to their organization data centers. In organizations, the security related aspects are based on insider's behaviors, the malicious insiders may theft sensitive data and no protection mechanisms are addressed till now to completely defend against the attacks. Such that organizational data could be so vulnerable from insider threat attacks. The malicious insiders of an organization can perform stealing on sensitive data at cloud storage as well as at organizational level. The insiders can misuse their credentials in order to perform malicious tasks on sensitive information as they agreed with the competitors of that organization. By doing this, the insiders may get financial benefits from the competitors. The damages of insider threat are: IT sabotages, theft of confidential information, trade secrets and Intellectual properties (IP). It is very important for the nation to start upgrading it's IT infrastructure and keep up with the latest security guidelines and practices.

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