
This study presents a holistic understanding of coastal, marine, and cruise tourism sustainability. The study uses a mixed-method approach to investigate stakeholder perceptions of the sustainability of coastal and marine tourism in cross-border regions of the Nordic coastal area. The research contributes to the existing knowledge by considering both cruise tourists’ (individual) and destination marketers’ and policymakers’ (organizational) viewpoint. The findings of the quantitative aspect of the study confirm the validity of cruise tourists’ attitudes-norms-behavior model and its importance in understanding coastal and marine sustainability. Qualitative findings underline the significance of multi-stakeholder engagement and cross-sectoral dialogue in the management of Nordic coastal and marine areas and novel cruise tourism destinations. Finally, the study conducted a thorough analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions of the importance of sustainability in coastal and marine areas, not only as it exists today but as it is forecast to be in the coming decades. • Study implements a mixed-method approach to coastal and marine sustainability. • A quantitative study investigates cruise tourists’ attitudes, norms, and behavior. • A qualitative study examines public sector and NGO's sustainability perceptions. • Quantitative model argues aptness of attitudes-norms-behavior in destination context. • The qualitative study findings identify an urge for cross-sectoral dialogue.

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