
Currently, some universities in Cambodia are exploring the usage of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which can support education by allowing cost-free independent learning for university students. For effective implementation, it is fundamental to understand the current Cambodian ecosystem, how universities implement MOOCs for teaching, and how students use them for learning. Due to a current gap in the literature on this matter, this research work aims to investigate students’ awareness of MOOCs, usage, and difficulties encountered with their adoption for learning. This research work is a case study of a university in Cambodia, and it adopts a mixed-mode approach involving a quantitative questionnaire, followed by qualitative semi-structured interviews. Currently, many students are not aware of MOOCs, and regarding those using them, they report a low level of organized effort, which points out to the fact that students are in general not very organized and systematic in the way they approach learning using MOOCs. Furthermore, a major issue still lies in the way these courses are implemented in the curriculum and the learning activities, underlined by the type of ICTs affordances currently exploited by the usage of MOOCs for learning.


  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Cambodia, and a total lack of research on this topic is present in the Cambodian educational ecosystem, characterized by its peculiarity due to the recent history of social unrest first, and fast development after. Considering this clear gap in the literature, this case study of a higher education institution in Cambodia, aims to investigate the awareness of MOOCs among university students, the approach to learning of students with MOOCs, and the Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) affordances exploited with the use of MOOCs for learning

  • This research work represents a first investigation of the current Higher Education (HE) ecosystem in Cambodia on the usage of MOOCs by university students, beginning with the study case of a specific HE Institutions (HEIs)

  • Aiming to take a first step in filling this gap, this works investigated the awareness of MOOCs between university students, the approach to learning of students with MOOCs, and the ICT affordances exploited with the use of MOOCs for learning in a selected HEI

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Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are at the core of the disruptive changes that all the world is experiencing at every level of our lives in Covid times, and it is important to understand what they can offer to education, mostly for developing countries like Cambodia. Regarding Cambodia, its education sector has expressed a rising interest in the offering of technologies applied to education. Regarding technologies at the service of education, William Cope and Mary Kalantzis introduced in their eLearning Ecology course offered on the Coursera platform, which is an interesting and insightful concept of e-affordance. Cope and Kalantzis [1] defined seven affordances that ICTs offer, namely ubiquitous learning, active knowledge-making, multimodal meaning, recursive feedback, collaborative intelligence, metacognition, and differentiated learning

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