
This post-doctoral research deals with the study of a collection of twelve copies of important works to act as a reference of the Center African Art, highlighted in the main specialized books and catalogs. Copies belong to the Afro-Brazilian Museum collection of the Federal University of Bahia (MAFRO / UFBA), were donated by the Royal Museum of Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium). To understand the trajectory and the history of this collection of plaster copies, like collection-document, we had to work with institutional and personal stories, and live with lacunars spaces of the various files. This museum plot refers to the background of the creation of the great ethnographic museums, since the trajectory of the copies does not dissociate the trajectory of their original. The original pieces were taken from the former Belgian Congo, with productions of people in the geographic regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the North East of Angola. The colonial-slavery history, with its institutions and characters, is intertwined with parts in different contexts, since the withdrawal of their places of origin, nullifying their functions and uses, processing in ethnographic collections and later in art collections, serving material support for the dissemination of racial and racist ideas of cultural and social inferiority of African people. It is intended, at the end of the study process, produce a written narrative with several voices (book and catalog) and a expographic narrative, which will deal with matters relating to the implications and intertwining of stories involving the original collection and prints, different individuals and institutions that are particularly marked by their identity characteristics. Keywords: art central African, memory, patrimony, museums.


  • Parte I - Trama epistolar: de uma sugestão, com entraves burocráticos e lacunas na documentação, tem início a história da coleção

  • No cenário geopolítico doinício dos anos 60, do século XX, no qual os países africanos passavam por processos de libertação do colonialismo europeu, a criação do Centro de Estudos Afro-Orientais (CEAO), na Bahia, estimulou e fomentou atividades de pesquisa e intercâmbios que visavam aprofundar os conhecimentossobre o continente africano por parte da intelectualidade

  • Quando as peças da coleção foram retiradas do ambiente original e transformadas em objetos de museu, esta transformação não somente levou a perda das suas funções e usos, mas também acarretou na incorporação de uma categoria alheia aos objetos, a categoria de objetos etnográficos, objeto de estudo da nascente antropologia e etnologia, passando a servir de suporte material para a divulgação de ideias raciais e racistas de inferioridade cultural e social dos povos africanos nos institutos de pesquisa e nascentes museus etnográficos

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Parte I - Trama epistolar: de uma sugestão, com entraves burocráticos e lacunas na documentação, tem início a história da coleção.

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