
The morphoanatomic study of a taphoflora from the Rio Bonito Formation, Pouso Redondo County, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, resulted in the determination of new gymnospermous genera, among them a fossil wood that, by being represented by 9 of the 25 samples studied, constitutes the second form with significant representation in the assemblage (36%). By virtue of the solid and heterocelular pith, the centrifugal differentiation of the primary vascular system and the large pits in the cross-field of the secondary vascular system, the wood in question is similar to the morfogenus Megaporoxylon KRÄUSEL, 1956 from the Permian of South Africa. However, the presence of singular characters, like the nature of the secretory system and the outline of pith as well as the configuration of the bordered pits on radial walls of the secondary xylem cells, evidences the necessity of its segregation in new taxon which is named Aterradoxylon solidum gen. et sp. nov.

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