
Ultrahigh-quality (Q) factor optical micro-resonators with very long photon storage time are important in the aim of integrating optical functions such as filters, tunable delay lines for microwave-photonics or highly sensitive sensor applications. To date, Q-factors up to 1011 have been measured only in millimetre-size crystalline whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) resonators. Semiconductor, Silica or glass WGM micro-resonator Q-factors are limited to 109 due to technological imperfections or residual absorption. We show that by introducing slow light effects in a monolithic WGM micro-resonator it is possible to enhance the photon lifetime by several orders of magnitude and circumvent fabrication limitations. We experimentally demonstrate Erbium-doped fluoride glass micro-resonators with a photon lifetime up to 2.5 ms at room temperature, corresponding to a Q-factor of 3 × 1012 at 1530 nm, by combining WGM resonance effect and population oscillations.

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