
The uterine epithelium of pregnant females of the terrestrial ovoviviparous Salamandra salamandra is characterized by a considerable enlargement of its basolateral surface. Chloride and cations (among others sodium), preferentially within the intercellular spaces, can be demonstrated ultrahistochemically. There is indirect evidence of Na+ --K+ -ATPase activity along the basolateral plasma membranes of the epithelial cells using the Sr-technique for demonstration of a K+ -NPPase and 3H-ouabain autoradiography. Preliminary measurements reveal a potential difference across the uterine wall of 15--25 mV, the lumenal (mucosal) surface being negative with respect to the coelomic (serosal) surface, and a short circuit current of 200--300 microA. The possible electrogenic ion transport is ouabain-sensitive. The results are in agreement with the model of a "forward" transporting, i.e. absorptive epithelium. An active transport of solute out of the uterine lumen across the epithelium to the subjacent connective tissue and the blood vessels may be involved in the regulation of an intrauterine milieu appropriate for the development of the offspring.

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