
Two-dimensional (2D) tri-TMDCs carrier dynamics provide a platform for studying excitons through Ultrafast Pump-Probe Transient Absorption Spectroscopy. Here we studied the ZrTe3 nanosheets (NTs) exciton dynamics by transient absorption (TA) spectrometer. We observed different carrier dynamics in the ZrTe3 NTs sample at different pump powers and with many wavelengths in the transient absorption spectrometer. The shorter life decay constant is associated with electron-phonon relaxation. Similarly, the longer-life decay constant represents the long live process that is associated with charge separation. The interactions between carrier-phonons at nanoscale materials can be changed by phonons quantum confinements. The hot carrier lifetime determined the strength of carrier phonon interactions. The value of fast decay in the conduction band is due to carrier relaxation or the carrier gets trapped due to surface states or localized defects. The value of slow decay is due to the recombination of surface state and localized defects processes. The lifetime declines for long wavelengths as size decreases. Whereas, during short wavelength-independent decay, carrier characteristics have been observed. TA spectroscopy is employed to investigate insight information of the carrier’s dynamical processes such as carrier lifetime, cooling dynamics, carrier diffusion, and carrier excitations. The absorption enhanced along excitons density with the increase of pump power, which caused a greater number of carriers in the excited state than in the ground state. The TA signals consist of trap carriers and (electron-hole) constituents, which can be increased by TA changes that rely on photoexcitation and carrier properties.

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