
37-year-old woman with a 17-year history of ulerative colitis that extends up to the mid-descendng colon undergoes routine surveillance colonosopy. Her disease is quiescent at the time of the rocedure (and has been for 5 years) and no lesions r masses are identified. Thirty-six biopsies are aken from 10-cm intervals up to the cecum. Histoogical exam reveals findings consistent with idioathic inflammatory bowel disease in the rectum, igmoid colon, and descending colon. Three biopies from her sigmoid colon are reported as lowrade dysplasia. The biopsies are sent to a local niversity pathologist with a special interest in GI athology, and she suggests that the biopsies are ndeterminate for dysplasia. The patient returns for repeat dysplasia surveillance endoscopy 3 months ater and 8 extra biopsies are obtained from the igmoid and descending colon. Four biopsies from er sigmoid colon are identified as containing lowrade dysplasia, and there is agreement between the pathologists.

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