
The purpose of work. The article considers the features of the development of Ukrainian amateur theater over- Dnieper Ukraine in the context of sociocultural processes of late XIX – early XX century. Ukrainian amateur theater of over-Dnieper Ukraine being investigated as an integral part of Ukrainian theater culture, bright national historical and cultural phenomenon. The research methodology is the use of the historical-cultural, comparative, teatrovedchesky methods approach allows to study the basic aspects to activities of amateur theater groups, analyzed the specifics of the repertoire. Scientific novelty consists in expanding notions of activity amateur theater over-Dnieper Ukraine in and their justification etnozberihayuchoyi, etnokonsoliduyuchoyi role in the national culture creation. Conclusions. Activities of amateur dramatic groups over-Dnieper Ukraine was an important factor in national and cultural revival, contributed to the consolidation of Ukrainian society, promoted the ethnographic foundations and traditions of the Ukrainian nation, it intensified the awakening of national consciousness helped to maintain their own cultural identity.

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