
SengkuangorDracontomelon dao(Blanco) Merr & Rolfe.is a plant that has secondary metabolites tannins and flavonoids which are thought to have anti-diarrheal activity. The purpose of this studyisto determine the ethanol extract of the stem bark of Dracontomelon dao(Blanco) Merr & Rolfe hasanantidiarrheal effect and to determine the ethanol extract dose of the stem bark of Dracontomelon dao(Blanco) Merr & Rolfe which has antidiarrheal effect on male white mice (Mus musculus)induced by oleum ricini. The antidiarrheal activity test was carried out using the diarrhea protection method, where micewere induced by0.75 mL of oleum ricini orally, 1 hour later the test solutionwas given i.e. 0.5% Na CMC suspension (negative control), loperamid 0.26 mg/kg bw(positive control), dose of sengkuang stem bark ethanol extract 100 mg/kgbw, 200 mg/ kg bwand 300 mg/kgbw. Then observed the onset of diarrhea, frequency of diarrhea, consistency of diarrhea, duration of diarrhea and weight of diarrhea every 30 minutes for 4 hours. The results of this study arethe ethanol extract of the stem bark Dracontomelon dao(Blanco) Merr & Rolfe at a dose of 100 mg/kgbw, 200 mg/kgbw and 300 mg/kgbw has antidiarrheal activity as indicated by a significant difference in the test group (control positive and all extracts) against the negative control group (p <0.05).

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