
The physical characteristic test of broiler ration pelleted that added of onggok as binder with water spraying processABSTRACT. Pellet is a kind of solidified and mechanically compressed feed. Problem frequently rise is that pellet shape is easily damaged, brittle, and broken during production, transportation and storage processing. The purpose this study was to know the influence of onggok addition as binding agent with 5% water spraying on the physical characteristic of pellet form ration.The data were analyzed by analyzed of variance and the significant experiment results would be examined by orthogonal contrast test. The treatments consist from the first experiment were: A1 = basal ration + 0% spraying water, A2 = basal ration + 5% spraying water, A3 = basal ration + 10% spraying water and A4 = basal ration + 15% spraying water. The best result from the first experiment would be used for the second experiment, the treatments second experiment were: R1 = basal ration + 5% spraying water + 0% onggok, R2 = basal ration + 5% spraying water + 2% onggok, R3 = basal ration + 5% spraying water + 4% onggok and R4 = basal ration + 5% spraying water + 6% onggok.The parameters were water content, water activity, specific gravity, loose bulk density, compressed bulk density, angle of repose, modulus of fineness, average particle sizes and the durability of pellet form. The conclusion of the experiment that added of onggok as binder significant influenced of the characteristic physical pellet, i.e.: increased loose bulk density, compressed bulk density, modulus of fineness, average particle sizes, and durability of pellet, but decreased specific gravity, water content, angle of repose and water activity.


  • The data were analysed by analyzed of variance and the significant experiment results would be examined by orthogonal contrast test

  • Onggok merupakan hasil sampingan industri tapioka yang berbentuk padat

  • F.G., Fardiaz, S., dan Fardiaz, D., 1980

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Bahan dan Alat Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi bahan pakan utama dan bahan tambahan. Sebagai bahan utama dalam pembuatan pakan ikan adalah tepung ikan, bungkil kedelai, tepung jagung, bungkil kelapa, CGM (Corn Gluten Meal) dan dedak halus, premix, minyak ikan dan tepung tapioka. Peralatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mesin penggiling tepung (burr mill), mesin pencetak pellet (farm pelleter), alat penimbang/penakar, alat pengaduk, kompor minyak, panci pengukus, akuarium, stop watch, gelas ukur 100 ml, akuades, vibrator ball mill, neraca analitik, cooling fan, batu pemberat, ember, plastik dan semprotan air. Ransum Penelitian Penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan formulasi ransum. Pembuatan formulasi ransum basal ikan disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan NRC (1993) untuk ikan dewasa yaitu energi metabolisme 2900 kkal/kg dan protein 28-30%

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