
Ikisiri Makala haya yamejadili matumizi ya uhalisia mazingaombwe kama mbinu ya mtindo wa uandishi wa ubaadausasa katika riwaya ya Nyuso za Mwanamke (2010) ya S. A. Riwaya hii imedhihirisha upya kwa kukaidi mtindo wa uandishi wa kimapokeo ukiojikita katika uhalisia, na kugeukia mtindo wa uandishi wa kibaadausasa. Makala haya yanachunguza matumizi ya uhalisia mazingaombwe katika riwaya hii, kama kipengele mojawapo cha mtindo wa uandishi wa ubaadausasa. Lengo kuu la makala haya ni kubainisha vipengele vya uhalisia mazingaombwe na namna vimetumika katika riwaya ya Nyuso za Mwanamke. Makala haya yameongozwa na Nadharia ya Ubaadausasa inayopendekeza uanuwai wa mawazo kwa kukaidi kuwepo na mtazamo mmoja wa kueleza tajriba tofauti za binadamu, au simulizi kuu. Sampuli dhamirifu ilitumika kuteua riwaya ya hii. Data ilipatikana kupitia usomaji wa kina wa riwaya. Data ilichanganuliwa kwa kuzingatia mihimili ya Nadharia ya Ubaadausasa na kuwasilishwa kwa maelezo ya kinathari. Matokeo yalibainisha kwamba riwaya hii iliziba mipaka kati ya uhalisia na umazingaombwe kupitia matumizi ya wahusika binadamu wenye nguvu za ajabu kama vile kuwasoma watu. Aidha, riwaya hii ilitumia viumbe wa ajabu kama vile mizuka, vivuli, majini na wafu kuwakilisha hali halisi ya dunia ya sasa ambayo imejaa mambo mengi ya ajabu yasiyoelezeka. Katika kutamatisha, ilibainika kuwa matumizi ya uhalisia mazingaombwe ni mbinu ya kiumbuji anayotumiwa mwandishi kukaidi simulizi kuu ya uandishi wa kimapokeo wa riwaya ya Kiswahili uliojikita katika uhalisia. Matumizi ya mtindo huu ni dhihirisho la mabadiliko katika uandishi wa riwaya ya Kiswahili. ABSTRACT This paper analyses the use of magical realism as a postmodernism writing technique in S. A. Mohamed’s novel, Nyuso za Mwanamke (2010). The novel has a tendancy that breaks away from conventionality and has turned toward postmodernist form of writing. The paper examines the use of magical realism as one of the postmodernist style of composition in the novel. The purpose of this study is to identify the aspects of magical realism and examine how they have been used in the novel. The paper was guided by the Postmodernism Theory which advocates for diversity and multiplicity rather than an all-encompassing world view of human experiences, referred to as metanarratives. Purposeful sampling was used to select the novel. Data was collected through a thorough reading of the novel. The data was anaysed using the tenets of Postmodernism Theory and presented in prose form. The study revealed that the novel utilized realistic elements alongside those of the magical, through the use of human characters with unusual powers. In addition, there were magical characters such as ghosts, spirits, monsters and the dead to represent the unexplainable aspects of the world. The study concludes that magical realism has been used deliberately by the writer as an aesthetic technique of writing in order to subvert the rules of conventional writing of the Kiswahili novel that was based on realism. The use of magical realism has there brought a significant shift in the writing of the Kiswahili novel. Key words: magical realism, metanarrative, postmodernism, realism.

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