
Beside its importance in the first hours of life, brown adipose tissue has also significant roles in the following stages of growth and in adults by regulating energy metabolism, but its identification in adult ruminants is still controversial. Quantitative PCR, followed by histological confirmation, was used to investigate UCP expression and brown and white adipocytes' distribution in 30-day-old goat kids. The influence of maternal diet enriched with either fish oil or stearic acid was investigated as well. Results showed the differential expression of both UCP1 and UCP2 genes between subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues, suggesting a different thermogenic activity between the two macro areas. The maternal diet influenced neither UCP1 nor UCP2 gene expression. The presence of multilocular adipocytes in 1-month goat kids is remarkable, as suggests thermogenic activity in non-newborn animals. Further insights into characteristics and functions of adipose tissue in young and adult goats are worth exploring.

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