
Zircons from biotite monzogranite of the Wedgeport Pluton, intrusive into deformed metasediments of the Cambrian(?) Goldenville Formation in the southwestern Meguma Terrane of Nova Scotia, yield concordant U–Pb ages of 316 ± 5 Ma. This is interpreted as the time of intrusion and crystallization. Within the error limits, the 323 ± 12 Ma Rb–Sr whole-rock isochron age is identical and gives an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7137 ± 0.0056. Rb–Sr analyses of mineral separates of biotite, potassium feldspar, and quartz–plagioclase from several samples yield subparallel, internal isochrons with an average age of 257 ± 8 Ma. Initial ratios of the internal isochrons range from 0.716 to 0.759. A slow-cooling model for these latter data is discarded because the mineral data fall on straight lines. Instead, a reheating event related to plutonism ca. 257 Ma ago, which was sufficient to cause local grain-to-grain migration and reequilibration of strontium and rubidium but not large-scale redistribution, is invoked. This reheating is also inferred to be responsible for the hydrothermal alteration and Sn–U mineralization concentrated along the northwestern margin of the pluton. A dextral northeast–southeast shear zone cutting the pluton is also inferred to be ca. 257 Ma old. It may be related to the last stages of westward obduction of the Meguma Terrane.These results provide a clear example of Permo-Carboniferous plutonism in the southwestern Meguma Terrane and suggest a similar interpretation may apply to other anomalously young ages recorded in this area. In light of these results, the Permo-Carboniferous age of the large East Kemptville tin deposit and its location in a dextral shear zone suggest that the association of younger plutonism and shear zones may be a significant factor for economic mineralization.

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