
Known classifications of K. Leonhard, V. Bielianin, E. Berne, K. Siedov and others became the reference point for characterization of creative personalities and description of types of artistic texts. The typology of artistic texts also made it possible to found the connection of temperament with a language.The purpose is to make an overview of the psycholinguistic and psychopatholinguistic classifications of language personalities. The task is to determine their criteria, describe the features regarding used language tools. The object of the research is a typology of language personalities and the subject of research is the main criteria and specifics.K. Leonhard distinguishes the following types of personalities: demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitative; hypertensive, dysthymic, affective-labile, affective-exalted, disturbing, emotional; extroverted, introverted. The first group was revealed by accentuated features of character, the second one by accentuated features of temperament and the third one by personal level.V. Bielianin made an analysis of artistic works basing on emotionally-meaningful dominant. This made it possible to create a typology of texts that divide them into light, active, dark, sad, funny, beautiful, complex, which is connected with types of personalities. Each type of text is characterized by a certain thematic and linguistic systematicity.K. Siedov connects the types of language personalities with the strategies used by them: invective, courteous and rational-heuristic. The first strategy is reflected with the help of invective, the second one involves etiquette communication instead of corresponding forms of social interaction, and through the third one the negative is embodied in indirect forms.Psycholinguistic and psychopatholinguistic typologies take into account the specificity of the norm scale, the cognitive-emotional criterion, the ability to cooperate, the level of communicative competence, the tendency to use certain sign structures that are correlated with psychological characteristics, verbal behavior and the channel of information.

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