
Statistical analysis of the relationship between type II radio bursts appearing in the metric (m) and decameter-to-hectometer (DH) wavelength ranges is presented. The associated X-ray flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are also reported. The sample is divided into two classes using the frequency-drift plots: Class I, representing those events where DH-type-II bursts are not continuation of m-type-II bursts and Class II, where the DH-type-II bursts are extensions of m-type-II bursts. Our study consists of three steps: i) comparison of characteristics of the Class I and II events; ii) correlation of m-type-II and DH-type-II burst characteristics with X-ray flare properties and iii) correlation of m-type-II and DH-type-II burst characteristics with CME properties. We have found no clear correlation between properties of m-type-II bursts and DH-type-II bursts. For example, there is no correlation between drift rates of m-type-II bursts and DH-type-II bursts. Similarly there is no correlation between their starting frequencies. In Class I events we found correlations between X-ray flare characteristics and properties of m-type-II bursts and there is no correlation between flare parameters and DH-type-II bursts. On the other hand, the correlation between CME parameters and m-type-II bursts is very weak, but it is good for CME parameters and DH-type-II bursts. These results indicate that Class I m-type-II bursts are related to the energy releases in flares, whereas DH-type-II bursts tend to be related to CMEs. On the contrary, for Class II events in the case of m-type-II and DH-type-II bursts we have found no clear correlation between both flare and CMEs.

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