
The terminal segment of the Bacillus FTU respiratory chain has been studied. The shape of difference spectra and biphasic cyanide titration curve point to the presence of two terminal oxidases ( aa 3- and o-type) in the subcellular membrane vesicles of this Bacillus. The aa 3-type oxidase was shown to dominate in the beginning of the logarithmic phase while the o-type oxidase was more pronounced at the stationary phase of bacterial growth. Both enzymes oxidized TMPD in the presence of ascorbate: the o-type oxidase with K m = 0.7 mM TMPD and V max = 2.2 μmol O 2 min −1 nmol −1 haem o and the aa 3-type oxidase with K m = 2 mM TMPD and V max = 11.2 μmol O 2 min −1 nmol −1 haem a. KCN inhibited the two oxidases (half-maximal inhibition at 2 μM and 20 μM for the aa 3- and o-type oxidases, respectively).

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