
Two new supernova remnants (SNRs), G85.4+0.7 and G85.9-0.6, superimposed on the radio source W 80, have been discovered in the radio continuum data from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey(CGPS). Both SNRs consist of a thin incomplete radio shell surrounding a weak, extended X-ray source. G85.4+0.7 has a thin non-thermal shell of diameter0:4 lying within a thermal shell whose diameter is0:6. Its radio surface brightness at 1 GHz is 1 GHz 1 10 22 Watt m 2 Hz 1 sr 1 . It is located within a large H i bubble, whose systemic velocity, vLSR = 12 km s 1 , implies a distance of 3.8 kpc. Two B1 stars detected within this bubble are most likely part of the OB association which formed it. The diameter of the H i bubble is about 100 pc. The SNR has a diameter of about 30 pc and probably is the result of a type II explosion of an early B star 6300 years ago. G85.9-0.6 has a radio surface brightness of 1 GHz 2 10 22 Watt m 2 Hz 1 sr 1 .N o Hi features corresponding to the SNR have been detected. This, and the low radio and X-ray brightnesses, suggest expansion in a low-density medium. The SNR may lie in the low-density region between the local and Perseus spiral arms, at a distance of about 5 kpc. Its diameter would then be35 pc.

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