
Archaeorhizomyces is a diverse and ubiquitous genus of the subphylum Taphrinomycotina, which contains soil-inhabiting/root-associated fungi. Although ecological importance and root-associating lifestyles of Archaeorhizomyces can be postulated, morphological aspects of fungal body and root colonization are largely unknown due to the scarcity of cultures. We obtained three unidentified Archaeorhizomyces isolates from ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) roots of Rhododendron scabrum and Rhododendron × obtusum collected in Japan. To advance our understanding of lifestyle of the genus, we investigated their general morphology, phylogeny, and in vitro root-colonizing ability in ericoid mycorrhizal hosts, Vaccinium virgatum and Rhododendron kaempferi. Some morphological characteristics, such as slow glowing white-to-creamy-colored colonies and formation of yeast-like or chlamydospore-like cells, were shared between our strains and two described species, Archaeorhizomycesfinlayi and Archaeorhizomyces borealis, but they were phylogenetically distant. Our strains were clearly distinguished as two undescribed species based on morphology and phylogenetic relationship. As seen in typical ErM fungi, both species frequently formed hyphal coils within vital rhizodermal cells of ErM plants in vitro. The morphology of hyphal coils was also different between species. Consequently, two novel species, Archaeorhizomyces notokirishimae sp. nov. and Archaeorhizomyces ryukyuensis sp. nov., were described.

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