
In a collection of worms from Minnesota supplied to the writer by Dr. F. G. Wallace for use at the University of Minnesota Biological Station, there were included two vials containing worms of the genus Oochoristica, one lot from the spotted skunk, Spilogale interruptus, collected near Minneapolis, the other from Mephitis sp., presumably M. m. hudsonica, collected at Lake Itasca, Minnesota. Each of these two lots of worms was found to represent previously undescribed species, although a distinct species of Oochoristica has already been described from each of these genera of skunks in North America. 0. mephitis Skinker, 1935 was described from Mephitis elongata in Georgia, and has subsequently been reported by Choquette (1951) in M. mephitis in Quebec. 0. oklahomensis Peery, 1939 was described from Spilogale interruptus in Oklahoma.

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