
In the course of a project aimed to isolate transfer cells-specific genes in maize endosperm we have identified the BETL9 gene. BETL9 encodes for a small protein very similar in sequence to the product of the barley transfer cell-specific gene END-1. Both BETL9 and END-1 proteins are lipid transfer proteins, but their function is currently unknown. In situ hybridization analysis confirms that the BETL9 gene is exclusively transcribed in the basal endosperm transfer cell layer during seed development since 10 days after pollination. However, immunolocalization data indicates that the BETL9 protein accumulates in the maternal placento-chalaza cells located just beside the transfer cell layer. This suggests that the BETL9 protein should be transported to the maternal side to exert its, still unknown, function. In addition, we have identified a second maize gene very similar in sequence to BETL9 and we have named it BETL9like. In situ hybridization shows that BETL9like is also specifically transcribed in the developing maize endosperm within the same time frame that BETL9, but in this case it is exclusively expressed in the aleurone cell layer. Consequently, the BETL9 and BETL9like genes are transcribed in a non-overlapping pattern on the outer surface of the maize endosperm. The BETL9 and BETL9like promoter sequences, fused to the GUS reporter gene, accurately reflected the expression pattern observed for the genes in maize. Finally, we have identified in the Arabidopsis genome a set of four genes orthologous to BETL9 and BETL9like and analyzed the activity of their promoters in Arabidopsis transgenic plants carrying fusions of their promoter sequences to the GUS reporter. As in the case of the maize genes, the Arabidopsis orthologs showed highly complementary expression patterns.


  • Developing seeds are strong sinks for nutrients produced in the maternal plant

  • Northern blot analysis indicated that the transcripts corresponding to this cDNA were only detectable in developing maize kernels as early as 11 days after pollination (DAP; the youngest time point used in these experiments) and only in RNA extracted from the lower halves of hand dissected kernels (Figure 1)

  • Analysis of the maize genome sequence database revealed the presence of a gene closely related to BETL9 that we named as BETL9like

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Developing seeds are strong sinks for nutrients produced in the maternal plant. Since there are not symplastic connections between the maternal and filial tissues, the flow of nutrients required to sustain seed filling has to be carried through the apoplast, where solutes coming from the vascular system of the mother are discharged in the maternal side. Nutrients transported in the vascular bundle running along the length of the developing seed are not discharged to a cavity, but loaded symplastically into a layer of nucellar epidermal cells that covers most of the seed surface and it is of maternal origin. Nutrients from this nucellar tissue do not move to the apoplast facing the filial endosperm in a localized region and there is no a distinct transfer cell layer differentiated from the aleurone (Bechtel and Pomeranz, 1977; Oparka and Gates, 1981; Krishnan and Dayanandan, 2003). The region of the aleurone facing the vascular bundle contains additional layers of cells and these cells possess a specific regulatory program, as evidenced by the expression of genes not www.frontiersin.org

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