
We continue the investigation of two-loop string corrections to the energy of a folded string with a spin S in AdS5 and an angular momentum J in S5, in the scaling limit of large J and S with = fixed. We compute the generalized scaling function at two-loop order f2(ℓ) both for small and large values of ℓ matching the predictions based on the asymptotic Bethe ansatz. In particular, in the small ℓ expansion, we derive an exact integral form for the ℓ-dependent coefficient of Catalan's constant term in f2(ℓ). Also, by resumming a certain subclass of multi-loop Feynman diagrams we obtain an exact expression for the leading ln ℓ part of which is valid to any order in the expansion. At large ℓ the string energy has a BMN-like expansion and the first few leading coefficients are expected to be protected, i.e. to be the same at weak and strong coupling. We provide a new example of this non-renormalization for the term which is generated at two loops in string theory and at one-loop in gauge theory (sub-sub-leading in 1/J). We also derive a simple algebraic formula for the term of maximal transcendentality in f2(ℓ) expanded at large ℓ. In the second part of the paper we initiate the study of 2-loop finite size corrections to the string energy by formally compactifying the spatial world-sheet direction in the string action expanded near long fast-spinning string. We observe that the leading finite-size corrections are of ‘Casimir’ type coming from terms containing at least one massless propagator. We consider in detail the one-loop order (reproducing the leading Landau–Lifshitz model prediction) and then focus on the two-loop contributions to the term (for J = 0). We find that in a certain regularization scheme used to discard power divergences the two-loop coefficient of the term appears to vanish.

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