
In the current work a 3D hybrid numerical model of the interaction of a relativistic electron beam with the stationary plasma to study the generated high-frequency electromagnetic radiation is proposed. Ions are considered in the frame of the hydrodynamics approach and an electron component of plasma is described by the kinetic Vlasov equation. Also, the Maxwell equations are added. At initial time there is the plasma circled by the vacuum in a computational domain. A relativistic electron beam of a small density is injected through a domain boundary and, interacting with the plasma, generates electromagnetic waves. The waves spread out into the vacuum where the wave diagnostics has been carried out. To find amplitudes and directions of generated waves the algorithm to define directions and amplitudes of all electromagnetic waves, presenting in the considered domain at a certain time, has been developed. The diagnostics has been made in a 2D case. Also, the tests showing the implementation of the proposed algorithm have been carried out.

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