
The community of users participating in social media tends to share common interests at the same time, giving rise to what are known as social trends. A social trend reflects the voice of a large number of users which, for some reason, becomes popular in a specific moment. Through social trends, users, therefore, suggest that some occurrence of wide interest is taking place and subsequently triggering the trend. In this work, we explore the types of triggers that spark trends on the microblogging site Twitter and introduce a typology that includes the following four types: news, ongoing events, memes, and commemoratives. The user will be allowed to search for the latest trends by inputting a keyword into the search field. Based on user- provided keyword, the system will search for similar keywords in database and summarize the total count to provide the trending tweets on twitter. The trending tweets with the hashtag (#) will be displayed first and then the rest words will be displayed. By clicking on every trending tweet, the user commented tweets will be displayed. User can view all the tweets from the searched keyword. One of the main features on the homepage of Twitter shows a list of top terms so called trending topics at all times. These terms reflect the topics that are being discussed most at the very moment on the site’s fast-flowing stream of tweets. In order to avoid topics that are popular regularly (e.g., good morning or goodnight on certain times of the day), Twitter focuses on topics that are being discussed much more than usual, i.e., topics that recently suffered an increase of use, so that it trended for some reason

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