
Recent advances in artificial tunneling barriers have resulted in excellent tunnel junctions on several materials whose native oxide are of poor quality. Among the high T c A15 compounds tunneling α 2 F( ω) data are now available for Nb 3Sn, Nb 3Al and Nb 3Ge. Among B1 compounds there have been no published α 2 F( ω) results. Since this is another class of high T c materials, the contrast would be interesting. This paper will give the first tunneling α 2 F( ω) spectrum for the B1 compound NbN. The spectrum show two large phonon peaks at energies of 13 meV and 47 meV. The λ value of 1.46±0.10 along with the 2 Δ/ k B T c of 4.25 show this to be a strong coupled material. In addition, we will present α 2 F( ω) as a function of composition for A15 VSi, comparing it with previously measured A15 compounds. Here in V 3Si unlike the other A15 compounds measured, there is no evidence of mode softening which had been presented as an explanation for the high T c's in the A15 compounds. Also unusual for the A15 compounds previously measured by tunneling, is that V 3Si remains weak coupled as silicon concentration increases. Both the λ value (remaining about 1.0) and the sΔ/ k B T c of about 3.5 show this.

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