
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2002979 In the originally published version of the article, the authors did not fully acknowledge the existing study reported by Frey group. Since the studies in Frey group are highly similar to our results, the reviews or references to those studies need to be updated in our article. The authors apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused. Added Sentences in Introduction Section However, this approach is also not easy to use due to its inconvenience and the disadvantage that it can only be applied to bottom-contact-structured OFET devices. For this reason, there are few relevant studies on the interfacial optimization of the top-contact OFET devices until now. Recently, the Frey group reported an approach for the spontaneous interfacial modification of electrodes in organic electronic devices by blending additives in the polymer active layer that migrate to the electrodes and reduce contact resistance.[38,39] More specifically, in OFETs they applied hexa(ethyleneglycol)-dithiol and 4-fluorobenzyl mercaptan as thiol additives, and demonstrated that it is possible to efficiently control the interface between the top-contacted source/drain electrode and reduce the level of RC by simply adding the additives to the polymer semiconducting layer. This study is an interesting result in the field of existing interface control, but there is a side that was not sufficiently considered: the aspect doping by the blended thiol molecules. [38] T. Sarkar, B. Shamieh, R. Verbeek, A. J. Kronemeijer, G. H. Gelinck, G. L. Frey, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1805617. [39] J. Vinokur, I. Deckman, T. Sarkar, L. Nouzman, B. Shamieh, G. L. Frey, Adv. Mater, 2018, 30, 1706803. Modified Sentences in Introduction Section (page 2) Here, we explored an approach for spontaneously controlling the interfaces between the top-contact S/D electrode and the active layer in OFET devices without the doping effect due to the presence of additives, resulting in improved charge carrier injection properties to the polymer semiconducting films. Deleted Sentence in Results and Discussion Section (page 8) Although the interfacial optimization is known to be important for improving the device performances, there are few relevant studies because no suitable experimental method for this has been proposed for top-contact OFET devices until now.

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