
We demonstrate spectrally-tunable Fabry-Perot bandpass filters operating across the MWIR by utilizing the phase-change material GeSbTe (GST) as a tunable cavity medium between two (Ge:Si) distributed Bragg reflectors. The induced refractive index modulation of GST increases the cavity’s optical path length, red-shifting the passband. Our filters have spectral-tunability of ∼300 nm, transmission efficiencies of 60-75% and narrowband FWHMs of 50-65 nm (Q-factor ∼70-90). We further show multispectral thermal imaging and gas sensing. By matching the filter’s initial passband to a CO2 vibrational-absorption mode (∼4.25 µm), tunable atmospheric CO2 sensing and dynamic plume visualization of added CO2 is realized.

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