
Background: TB is highly prevalent in Pakistan. The Pakistan government has,therefore, given high priority to Tuberculosis control. It has declared TB to be considered asNational Emergency in 2001, and has extended the WHO suggested TB control strategy (orDOTS) throughout the all health services of the Health Ministry by May of 20051.Therefore it isvery essential to assess the knowledge about TB and its implementation in tertiary hospitalswhich are the main source of providing treatment. Objectives: To assess the knowledge ofmedical offices about the diagnosis of tuberculosis case, treatment of tuberculosis casesand the practice of TB DOTS by the MOs in teaching hospitals of Faisalabad City. Place andDuration of Study: It was carried out in teaching hospitals. “Allied Hospital and district headquarter hospital” in Faisalabad City, in one month from 10 June 2014 to July 10 2014, Fifty MOswere assessed by the questionnaires methodology. Study Design: The study design was crosssectional study. Sample Technique: Simple non-random sampling. Materials & Methods: TheMOs were given the questionnaires and before filling it, they were also provided with consentform, to get their consent in written. The sample of consent form and questionnaires aregiven at end. MOs are assessed randomly. Results: In this study, the response obtained inquestionnaires were analyzed individually. When we calculate the percentage of doctors haveknowledge about DOTS in Faisalabad. We get following results: 77.5% of MOS in teachinghospital of Faisalabad have knowledge about DOTS in Faisalabad. When we calculate thepercentage of doctors practicing DOTS in Faisalabad. We get following results so 18.64% ofMOs practice DOTS. Conclusion: It was concluded from this study that though majority of MOshave the knowledge but they are not practicing it. So there is a need of strict enforcement toimplement this program effectively to achieve a better control of TB under guidelines of WHO.

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