
Succinic dehydrogenase was detected in young gametophytes of Pteris vittata, Dryopteris varia, and Ceratopteris thalictroides by use of TTC and Janus green B. The following was made clear.(1) In Pteris protonema the reduction of TTC or Janus green B takes place mainly in the subterminal region, in Dryopteris it occurs uniformly along the developmental axis, and in Ceratopteris mainly in basal region.(2) The reduction is accelerated by the addition of succinate, and inhibited by malonate. The optimal temperature for the reduction is 30°, and the optimal pH is 7.0 to 7.5. The reduction ability is retained in fixation with alcohol, but lost in boiling. These indicate that the reduction is attributed to the role of succinic dehydrogenase contained in the cell.(3) Usually, the reductive ability is highest closely around the lipid globules. But the ability is retained even if the lipid is taken off by use of alcohol. Therefore, it seems that the dehydrogenase is mainly combined to the lipid surface in the state of a lipid-succinic dehydrogenase system.(4) In P tens the original locality of succinic dehydrogenase is not altered when the protonema is ramified into multiple branches. The developmental polarity is not modified even if the dehydrogenase together with the lipid globules is moved by centrifugation toward the basal region.

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