
H.Pylori is a gram-negative micro organism residing in the stomach of human. It is a important cause of acidpeptic disorders. Bismuth based triple therapy,triple therapy regimens (Tripple PPI) and Quadruple therapyare the available treatment options to eradicate H. pylori. Controversy still presents regarding the superiorityof treatment modality and results of available studies are variable. Hence this study was undertaken toevaluate and compare the efficacy of triple PPI, Quadruple therapy, and bismuth-based triple therapy intreating acid peptic disorders and Helicobacter pylori eradication. Method: This study was a prospectiveinterventional. After the establishment of a clinical diagnosis of the acid peptic disorder, the patient wasposted for endoscopy. H. pylori status was determined by the rapid urease test and culture examination.All patients divided into three groups and offered three different medical treatments the first group receivedbismuth bases triple therapy, the second group got Tripple PPI therapy and the third one received quadrupletherapy. efficacy and comparison of all these treatment modalities were evaluated and assessed by symptoms,endoscopic findings, and results of the rapid urease test after 6 weeks. Results: In the present study, 150patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms were studied It was found that the maximum number ofsubjects belonged to the age group 31-40 yrs. Male outnumbers than females. Maximum patients had pain inepigastric region and were having gastritis as a commonest diagnosis., Symptomatic relief by Triple therapywith PPI was maximum than other therapies. Rapid urease test (RUT) was also suggest that treatment with itgives superior eradication rates. Discussion: In our study, we have found that the treatment regime with PPITriple therapy has given maximum symptomatic relief, there is an association of H. Pylori infection in anacid peptic disorder like duodenal ulcer (86.66%), gastric ulcer (75%), and gastritis (82.85%). the efficacyof the Rapid urease test is 66% and that of culture is 38.66% in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection in acidpeptic disorder. Conclusion: PPI Triple therapy is most effective in symptomatic relief and healing of theduodenal and peptic ulcer.

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