
THE POPULATION POLICIES OF GOVERNMENTS are capable of changing rapidly and dramatically. Consider, for example, following illustrative cases. In November 1959, President Dwight D. Eisenhower of United States said: So long as I am President, this government will have nothing to do with birth control; this is something for private organizations to deal with. Fewer than ten years later, in August 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson announced: Let us in all our lands-including this land-face forthrightly multiplying problemns of our multiplying populations and seek answers to this most profound challenge to future of all world.' In 1962, during first full-scale debate at United Nations General Assembly on issue, Netherlands maintained its traditional view that State had no authority to interfere with individual rights of its subjects. Throughout discussions, Dutch delegation sided with governments opposing references to population policies and technical assistance for national projects and programs. Three years later, Dutch delegation joined with governments that recommended: (a) endorsing expanded program as proposed by Population Commission of United Nations; (b) inviting specialized agencies to consider extension of their activities; (c) making available additional funds for this purpose; and (d) directing secretary-general to formulate a priority program. In 1972, President of Algeria stated in his Independence Day speech that the increase of is a long-term investment. The prevailing view at that time was that development of Algeria's large land areas and its mineral resources required proportionately large human resources. Less than a decade later, Algerian government modified its position, noting that rapid increase had impeded both social and eco-

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