
People's habits of reading news have moved from print media to online media. Image can be formed indirectly from the news. If the content of the news is good, then the image that will be formed in society will also be good. On the other hand, if the news is bad then the image that will be formed will also be bad. This becomes an obstacle in the library promotion process, the effect of which will affect user visits. The aim of this research is to find out what issues are the topics of news coverage of a library in national online media which can later be used as reference material for the promotion of a library. The research method used is descriptive-quantitative by coding each news item. Primary data in the form of news was collected using advanced search techniques on Google, as well as secondary data obtained from journal articles, books and other related documents. The results of this research illustrate that libraries are reported by three national online media, namely Detik.com, Kompas.com, and Okezone.com with a good image. This report was taken over three months from 1 July 2023 to 30 September 2023. Apart from that, there are aspects that are studied, namely the placement of the word library in the title or content of the news, photos of libraries, news issues, types of libraries, figures involved in news, how to get news, and sectoral issues related to libraries. The conclusion of this research is that libraries must publish their activities more often in various mass media so that they are better known by the wider community, prevent things from happening that can make the library's good name less good, and actively promote the library through any media so that the library becomes more widespread. reach in society.

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