
Ants dominate vegetation stratum, exploiting resources like extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and insect honeydew. These interactions are frequent in Brazilian cerrado and are well known, but few studies compare ant fauna and explored resources between plant species. We surveyed two cerrado plants without EFNs,Roupala montana(found on preserved environments of our study area) andSolanum lycocarpum(disturbed ones). Ants were collected and identified, and resources on each plant noted. Ant frequency and richness were higher onR. montana(67%; 35 spp) thanS. lycocarpum(52%; 26), the occurrence of the common ant species varied between them, and similarity was low. Resources were explored mainly byCamponotus crassusand consisted of scale insects, aphids, and floral nectaries onR. montanaand two treehopper species onS. lycocarpum. Ants have a high diversity on cerrado plants, exploring liquid and prey-based resources that vary in time and space and affect their presence on plants.

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