
Forest dynamics are shaped by both abiotic and biotic factors. Trees associating with different types of mycorrhizal fungi differ in nutrient use and dominate in contrasting environments, but it remains unclear whether they exhibit differential growth responses to local abiotic and biotic gradients where they co-occur. We used 9-year tree census data in a 25-ha old-growth temperate forest in Northeast China to examine differences in tree growth response to soil nutrients and neighborhood crowding between tree species associating with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM), ectomycorrhizal (EM), and dual-mycorrhizal (AEM) fungi. In addition, we tested the role of individual-level vs species-level leaf traits in capturing differences in tree growth response to soil nutrients and neighborhood crowding across mycorrhizal types. Across 25 species, soil nutrients decreased AM tree growth, while neighborhood crowding reduced both AM and EM tree growth, and neither soil nor neighbors impacted AEM tree growth. Across mycorrhizal types, individual-level traits were stronger predictors of tree growth than species-level traits. However, most traits poorly mediated tree growth response to soil nutrients and neighborhood crowding. Our findings indicate that mycorrhizal types strongly shape differences in tree growth response to local soil and crowding gradients, and suggest that including plant-mycorrhizae associations in future work offers great potential to improve our understanding of forest dynamics.

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