
Two dOKS and three cats with Monteggia lesions were diaKnosed due to clinicaL and radiological examinations which were subjected in this study.Type I, type ii and type III MontegE;ia lesions were diagnosed in two dogs and three cats. Reduction and ./ıxation o{ ulnar ./i"aetures were perl'ormed under general anesthesia usinK Steinman pin in one dog, intramedu!lar Kirschner wires in three cats and DCP in one dOE;.The reduction o{ the radicı! head was maintained by .\vnthetie substitution o{ the annular ligament in one case by trans/ixatio/1 ol' ulna ~ith a sereı'v i/1O/1ecase and with semi cerclaKe in three cases. Coaptatio/1 bcll7- daKes were used post operatively for three week.\'. It is observed that ('(Ises beKwı to use their leKs pmperly between 60 and 90 days post operatively. Complications such as incomplete ca!lus formation. recurrent subluxatiO/1 ol' radial head, periarticular ossi/ication. osteoarthritis. poor function o{ art. eubiti and synostosis between radius and ulna were not developed. As a conc/usion. this study presents detailed knowledge on MonteKgicl lesions, in which there are limited studies on this subject

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