
This report presents an oblique crown fracture in the maxillary right premolars of an adolescent because of fall, which was treated using adhesive tooth fragment reattachment. The impact of the mandible base to the floor caused minor fractures in multiple teeth, severe fracture of teeth 14 and 15, and condylar fractures. The fragments of teeth 43, 45, 46, and 16 were lost at the site of accident. The condylar fractures were managed with a non-surgical conservative approach combining mandibular immobilization and stabilization of temporomandibular joints with maxillomandibular fixation using acrylic splints. After 3 months, the interocclusal splints were removed, and the patient was referred for dental care. Teeth 14 and 15 presented complicated oblique crown fractures causing separation of the buccal and palatal fragments, which were in place, attached to the gingival tissue. Tooth 15 presented chronic hyperplastic pulpits. The fragments were banded for stabilization during the endodontic treatment, and the bands served as matrix for adhesive tooth fragment reattachment. The other fractured teeth received direct composite resin restorations. After 8 years, tooth 16 developed pulp necrosis and was treated endodontically and restored with composite resin. Clinical and radiographic examination 19 years after trauma showed a good adaptation of the tooth fragment/composite resin restoration, good periodontal health, no signs of root resorption, and intact lamina dura.

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