
Forty-three patients with inoperable and/or recurring malignant gliomas were treated with a combination of Adriamycine ( 45 mg/m 2 ) and 4-dimethyl-epipodophyllotoxin d -thenylidene (VM 26) ( 60 mg/m 2 for two days). These cycles of treatment were repeated as soon as the hematological restoration was complete. The treatment was well tolerated and the clinical condition of 31 out of 43 glioblastoma patients improved during the two months after the beginning of the treatment. Examination of the results obtained reveals the following characteristics: 1. 1. A low degree of efficiency of this combination in the treatment of brain metastases, except for breast cancer metastases. 2. 2. Absence of complete correlation between the clinical results observed and the cinegammagraphic developments. 3. 3. Similarity of the results independent of the initial localization. 4. 4. Establishment of a six-months median survival period, with ten patients at present in a state of apparently complete remission, 180–506 days after beginning of the treatment.

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