
Part One. Genre-Bending, Genre-blending Introduction Ethics on the Move Charles Forsdick, Corinne Fowler, and Ludmilla Kostova 1. Speech Acts: Language, Mobility, and Place Michael Cronin 2. From Legislative to Interpretive Modes of Travel: Space, Ethics, and Literary Form in Jean Baudrillard's America Gillian Jein 3. Ficiton and Affect: Anglophone Travel Writing and the Case of Paraguay Corinne Fowler 4. Terror Laurie Howell McMillin Part Two. Toxic Encounters. Issues in Travel Writing 5. Victor Segalen in the Contact Zone: Exoticism, Ethics, and the Traveler and Travelee Charles Forsdick 6.Ethical Encounters with Animal Others in Travel Writing Jopi Nyman 7.Ethical Perspectives on Cultural Sustainability and Postcolonial Island Literatures Anthony Carrigan 8. Gourdes and Dollars: How Travel Writers Spend Money Alasdair Pettinger 9. Writing Across the Native/Foreign Divide: The Case of Kapka Kassabova's Street Without a Name (2008) Ludmilla Kostova 10. 'Like a Member of a Free Nation, He Wrote Without Shame': Foreign Travelers as a Trope in Romanian Cultural Tradition Alexander Drace-Francis 11. Travelling in the Times of Empire Syed Manzu Islam 12. The Rhetorics of Arctic Discourse: Reading Gretel Ehrlich's This Cold Heaven in Class Jan Borm 13.Hauntings: W.G. Sebald as Travel Writer Graham Huggan

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