
Peptic ulcer (PU) has a high prevalence and in cidence. It has been estimated that a 10% of the Spanish population will develop a PU. H e l i c o b a cter pylori (HP) infection and non-steroidal anti-in f l a m m a t o ry drugs (NSAID) are the major causes of PU. To erradicate HP infection almost always me ans healing of NSAID non associated PU and re duces very significantly the re c u rrence rates, ob viating generally maintenance antisecre t o ry t h e r a p y. Proton-pump inhibitors are the tre a t m e n t of choice for NSAID associated PU. There is no enough evidence to recommend or not to re c o m mend the eradication of HP infection in patients with NSAID associated PU.

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