
Trajectories of single air bubbles in simple shear flows of glycerol–water solution were measured to evaluate transverse lift force acting on single bubbles. Experiments were conducted under the conditions of −5.5⩽ log 10 M⩽−2.8 , 1.39⩽ Eo⩽5.74 and 0⩽| dV L/ dy|⩽8.3 s −1 , where M is the Morton number, Eo the Eötvös number and d V L /d y the velocity gradient of the shear flow. A net transverse lift coefficient C T was evaluated by making use of all the measured trajectories and an equation of bubble motion. It was confirmed that C T for small bubbles is a function of the bubble Reynolds number Re, whereas C T for larger bubbles is well correlated with a modified Eötvös number Eo d which employs the maximum horizontal dimension of a deformed bubble as a characteristic length. An empirical correlation of C T was therefore summarized as a function of Re and Eo d . The critical bubble diameter causing the radial void profile transition from wall peaking to core peaking in an air–water bubbly flow evaluated by the proposed C T correlation coincided with available experimental data.

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