
The effects of transverse compressional damping in the vibratory response of three-layer elastic-viscoelasticelastic beams are considered both analytically and experimentally in a mechanical impedance format. The relative importance of this type of damping is assessed through comparison with the shear damping mechanism inherent in the composite using the Mead and Markus model. Results of this investigation suggest that the effects from transverse compressional damping have a relatively narrow frequency bandwidth dependent on the elastic loss tangent of the damping core and are centered at the compressional (delamination) frequency toc of the composite. Compressional damping is shown to have a minimal effect on the transverse dynamic response of thin three-layer damped beams for frequencies significantly less than coc where a shear damping model provides a more accurate prediction of the composite loss factor. / £ tv /,b EI Pi

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