
(1) To describe a surgical technique adapted from the "transobturator vaginal tape inside-out" (TVT-O) used in women and to define the trajectory of the tape on canine cadavers, and (2) to determine the urodynamic and morphological effects of the TVT-O in continent bitches. Cadaveric and experimental in vivo study. Fresh female canine cadavers (n=12) and spayed female Beagle dogs (2). (1) TVT-O was inserted in 12 cadavers. Dissection was performed and distances between the tape and neighboring structures were recorded. (2) TVT-O was inserted in 2 continent female Beagle dogs. Urethral pressure profilometry and vaginourethrograms were performed preoperatively, immediately after surgery, and 2, 4, and 6 months postoperatively. Histopathology was performed 6 months after surgery. (1) TVT-O tape was consistently located in a perineal space before entering the obturator foramina and was located at a safe distance from major neurovascular structures including the femoral vessels and obturator nerve. (2) TVT-O was performed without any surgical or postoperative complications in 2 continent bitches. Histopathologic examination of the tissues surrounding the tape revealed a mild fibroblastic proliferation with a mild to minimal lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltration. TVT-O is a feasible and accurate procedure that can be performed in continent bitches with a low risk of complications.

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