
By allowing two nearby mobile devices to communicate via a direct link between them, device-to-device (D2D) communications can efficiently increase the capacity of D2D-underlaid cellular networks, in which D2D and cellular communications share the same frequency band. However, the coexistence of D2D and cellular communications in the same frequency band will cause interference between the D2D and cellular users, thus degrading their performance. One may control the transmit power based on the real-time channel-state information (CSI) to mitigate this interference, but it is difficult to acquire the real-time CSI between D2D/cellular transmitters and D2D receivers. To overcome this difficulty, we propose novel statistical-feature-based power control (SFPC), which determines the transmit power based on statistical (instead of real-time) CSI. The proposed SFPC combines the power control—that is aware of D2D success likelihood—with opportunistic access control to 1) reduce the interference caused by D2D communications and 2) maximize the area spectral efficiency of D2D communications. Specifically, it aims to minimize the D2D transmit power and optimize the selection of access threshold. Our simulation results show that SFPC can increase both the cellular communication success probability and the energy efficiency of D2D communications, as well as reduce the average D2D transmit power.

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