
Objective: To develop educational content and pilot test the use of tablet computers (iPads), online content management platform (iTunes U) and video conferencing (FaceTime) for delivery of a peer supported, spinal cord injury self-management intervention, using a community-engaged research approach.Design: Cross-sectional convenience sampled pilot study; evaluation using a combination of observation and questionnaires.Setting: Community-based.Participants: Individuals with SCI (n = 10) recruited from the community.Interventions: Participants engaged in a hands-on evaluation of the educational content and technology.Outcome Measures: Usability and acceptability of educational content and technology.Results: Participants were receptive and satisfied with the iPad and iTunes U platform and the video chat experience. Statements by our participants demonstrated a clear preference for interactive and multimedia platforms to promote engagement with educational materials. The use of FaceTime to facilitate contact between the participant and PN demonstrated satisfactory usability and acceptability. The hands-on evaluation process highlighted the need for consideration of connectivity for rural participants and assistive technology needs.Conclusion: Our community-engaged research approach and evaluation processes provided direct user feedback on the online and telehealth implementation of PHOENIX that will guide development of the remaining educational content, and testing of the intervention in a future feasibility trial.

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