
Nuclear power and thermionic conversion can serve as a compact, durable energy source for the space exploration and exploitation. In this paper, the modified Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program5 (RELAP5) with the implement of NaK-78 eutectic alloy (78%K and 22%Na) properties and heat transfer correlations is adopted to analyze the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the space nuclear reactor TOPAZ-II. A RELAP5 model including the thermionic fuel elements (TFEs), reactor core, radiator, coolant loop and volume accumulator is established. The temperature reactivity feedback effects of the fuel, TFE emitter, TFE collector, reflector, moderator and the reactivity insertion effects of control drums and safety drums are considered. The steady state condition and three severe transient accidents including reactivity insertion accident (RIA), loss of flow accident (LOFA) and loss of coolant accident (LOCA), are simulated and analyzed. The steady state calculated results agree well with the design values. During the three accidents, the moderator plays a dominant role in the positive temperature reactivity feedback. The coolant has at least 50 K temperature margin to the boiling point. The fuel and TFE components are all below their melting temperature. The progress of these accidents provide relatively sufficient time for operator's response. The calculation results prove that the reactor is a safe and reliable system.

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