
'Galia' muskmelon (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus Ser.) has been recalcitrant to transformation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Transformation of the 'Galia' male parental line, 'Krymka', with an ACC oxidase (CMACO-1) gene in antisense orientation is described herein. Explants were transformed using A. tumefaciens strain ABI, which contained a vector pCmACO1-AS plasmid, bearing an antisense gene of CMACO-1 and the CP4 syn gene (glyphosate-tolerance). Both CMACO-1 and CP4 syn genes were assessed by a polymerase chain reaction method. Flow cytometry analysis was performed to determine plant ploidy level of primary transformants. Two completely diploid independent transgenic plants were obtained. Southern blot and segregation analysis in the T1 generation determined that each independent transgenic line had one single insertion of the transgene. These transgenic muskmelon male parental lines have potential for use in the production of 'Galia' F1 hybrids with improved shelf life.

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