
One technique for forming facial animations on avatars is by reusing existing animations, either from other avatar animations or animations from motion data obtained using facial motion capture. This research focuses on the transformation of 3D space for the formation of facial animations on avatars in games or animated films. The transformation is carried out from motion capture data into a 3D avatar face model with 3 face models, namely the human face model, the swan face model and the anoman face model. The motion capture data is transferred according to the feature points of the face model. The results obtained by the facial model feature points will have animations that match the motion capture data. Of the 3 target face models used, the animation results with registration on the human face model have an average standard deviation is 0,0510. The goose face model has an average standard deviation is 0.0034 and the anoman face model has an average standard deviation is 0,0024. With this technique, it is hoped that the formation of facial expression animation on Avatar can be done more quickly because of the reuse of facial motion capture data.


  • Bentuk dari penggunaan karakter digital adalah avatar

  • One technique for forming facial animations on avatars is by reusing existing animations

  • This research focuses on the transformation of 3D space

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Metode Penelitian

Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dapat dilihat secara lengkap pada Gambar 1. Beberapa Data facial motion capture yang dihasilkan dari proses perekaman ekspresi wajah pada aktor disajikan dalam bentuk koordinat sesuai dengan Gambar 4. Data facial motion capture ini kemudian akan digunakan dalam proses transfromasi ruang radial basis function untuk dapat digunakan data geraknya pada berbagai model wajah karakter. Proses pembentukan facial rigging berupa pemberian titik fitur pada topeng wajah ng mengacu pada pendekatan FACS yang digunakan dalam optitrack motion capture system [14] seperti pada gambar 2. Data facial motion capture ini kemudian akan digunakan dalam proses transfromasi ruang radial basis function untuk dapat digunakan data geraknya pada berbagai model wajah avatar. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam proses registrasi pada model wajah avatar berupa data koordinat titik fitur model avatar karakter pada gambar 6,7 dan *

Radial Basis Function
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Rerata simpangan baku
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