
The article characterizes the main aspects of language-related policy in Ukraine. Itexplores the leading role of elementary school teacher in the consolidation of statehood ofUkrainian language in the mountain region of Ukrainian Carpathians. It analyzes the latestresearch and publications on the problem of training of future elementary school teachers in use ofcommunication strategies in a poly-ethnic environment of school in the mountain region. Thearticle also defines the most important tendencies that influence a professional-communicativeactivity of the teacher in a mountain region. It explores the specifics of professional activity of theelementary school teacher in the mountain region schools of Ukrainian Carpathians. It alsocharacterizes the problems encountered by a teacher at his work. The article describes thepeculiarities of training of future teachers in communicative-strategic activity in the mountainschool region. It also defines the trends of professional training of students planning to work in themountain region environment, that are not outlined in the existing curricula and study programs.Finally, the article uncovers the concept of ethic-pedagogic approach to the linguistic education ofchildren in mountain region schools, as well as formulates the conclusions and defines theguidelines for further research.

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