
The article offers the theoretical-and-methodic aspects and practical experience outcomes of implementing the master’s program “E-learning management” for the students of pedagogical specialities of the University, which forms professional competences in the field of innovative methods, Web-services 2.0, e-learning expertise, projecting of e-environment, IT-infrastructure management, as well as develops soft skills. It suggests the solution to the training of specialists, who will have an ability not only to use ICT in their academic activities, but will also master the competences of e-learning. The article features the model of professional competences of e-learning manager, the content of the training program, methods, forms and training tools, efficiency indicators. Examples of competency tasks for measuring levels of professional competencies according to the developed model are given. Experimental verification of the developed model was carried out at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The results of measuring the level of professional competence of e-learning managers before and after training in the master’s program “E-learning management” have been analyzed and statistically confirmed. Defined outlines the directions of research results dissemination.

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